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July 17, 2024

Why Business Goals Fail And How to End the “Goal Fail Cycle”

Have you ever set a goal and didn’t hit it? You’re not alone, and there’s a reason why traditional goal-setting methods might not work for you.

In this episode, I explore the common pitfalls of goal setting and share my personal journey of overcoming the goal fail cycle. Whether it’s weight loss or business growth, I’ve found a method that works, and I’m here to help you do the same.

  • Discover how to set the right goals that truly resonate with you.
  • Learn a practical 5-part framework for achieving your goals.
  • Gain insights into maintaining motivation and making necessary adjustments along the way.

Tune into this episode and download my Remote Work Success Bundle at for additional tips and resources to help you on your journey to success.

Full Transcript

If you have ever set a goal and didn’t hit it. Well, my friend, you’re normal now. If you’re someone who often sets goals and rarely hits them, then you’re just like I was. I tried all the goal setting things. I tried smart goals. And I tried this system, and I just never could get it to work. And I thought, What’s wrong with me? Everybody else can reach goals, but I can’t. And I finally discovered the answer to end the goal fail cycle. And that is stop setting goals, stupid. I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding. You’re not stupid. And you should definitely set goals. But you have to set the right goals in the right ways that works for you. And I’m going to cover in this episode what I finally discovered works for me when it comes to setting goals. Welcome to the Digital Nomad Entrepreneur podcast. My name is Eric. I’m a full time digital nomad entrepreneur traveling the world with my wife and four kids and having an amazing time doing it. So today, I want to share with you five tips to setting goals. Kind of a five part framework, maybe even. That’s probably a better way to spend than tips. These aren’t five random kind of tips or anything like that. This is a specific order that I use when I go to set goals. So let’s just go ahead and jump right into it. Number one, I defined the win I had realized after reading I think it’s Jim Collins good to great that you know, start with the end in mind was something that really did work for me. And when it came comes to setting goals, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to define the win. I need to clearly define the outcome that I’m looking for, but also why I want it. I have to understand exactly what success looks like and why it matters. When I set a goal and I don’t fully understand the why, I often find myself setting the wrong goal. It’s once I get to the point where I got a really clear why with a goal that I’m almost always able to achieve it or at least get really darn close. Now for this, you know, for each of these, I’m going to give you two examples. All right. So I’m going to give you a weight loss example, because that’s pretty common. A lot of people do that. And I’m gonna give you a business example because I use this in personal life and business life. So defining the win for a weight loss example would be I want to lose £10 in three months so I can eat whatever I want on vacation. All right. So that would be, you know, an example of setting a weight loss goal. Why? Because I’m when I go on vacation, I don’t want to be constrained and I don’t want to come back bigger, you know? And so I’m going to put some time in now and I’m going to lose some weight at a pace that doesn’t make me hate life. And when I go on vacation, I’m going to have a great time. And that this this is what the win looks like for me. Now, for a business goal, I may say we’re going to launch one new project every Monday, one new client project every Monday, so we can hit our team’s dreams. You see, I like to dream with my team. And we have a dream list. A dream board. Actually, the team dream board that says this is what we’re dreaming to do. This is where we’re going to. And then we can sit back and say, okay, well, what has to happen for us to get there? What what do we have to do? What’s the what’s the win look like? Okay. And we can we can work backwards from there. So first thing I do when I go to set a goal is I clearly define the win with the picture of the Y. You have to have the win and the Y. All right. Number two, once I’ve defined the win, I determine the inputs. I now have to sit back and go, all right, well, for this to happen, what has to be true? And I may end up asking that question five, six, ten, 12 times, because as I start to walk backwards from these things, I’m like, well, you know, if if I want to lose, you know, you know, this weight, if I want to increase sales by this, what what has to happen for that to be true. So, you know, and. Determine the inputs. And this is where people get things really wrong. They set a goal specifically for the outcome. The output at the other end of this time period, I’m going to have achieved this. And they’ll said, you know, so that it’s, you know, smart, okay. It’s specific, measurable and actionable and and and realistic and time bound. Then that just doesn’t work for me. But great. The work for you doesn’t work for me. And so I like to you know, when I said it, I defined the way that I determined the inputs. I decide what actions because there’s going to be more than one action. It takes in almost every single scenario. So I’ve got to decide what actions I’m going to take and how often and when to when. So I know when I’m going to achieve the desired outcome and I need to really create a detailed plan. So for weight loss, I may say, all right, three days a week I’m going to walk four miles and I’m going to reduce my calorie intake 500 calories per day by fasting breakfast Monday through Friday. Okay. And so there we go. I know. And then and then what has to happen to see if this is working? I have to track the progress. So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to I’m going to take these three walks a week. And so now I can look at my calendar, figure out what well, when are these going to work? I’m going to reduce calories by $500. They are 500 calories a day. By? By how? While by fasting, fasting, breakfast and still eating a balanced, healthy lunch and and maybe taking a smaller portion for dinner. And I’m not going to eat anything after dinner Monday through Friday on the weekends. I can have breakfast. I can I can have a beer with dinner. I can have that extra slice of pizza. But Monday through Friday, I’m going to I’m going to lock in. All right. And so that’s that’s the inputs I’m going to put in to get the output I want in business. If I want to launch one new project a month, every Monday, I step back and I have to go, well, what has to happen for that to be true? Well, I have to do four sales presentations per week. So with a 25% close rate on this big ticket item that we sell, I’ve got you know, if I do for a week, I sell and I close one a week. That’s a project a week. But to get those four sales presentations, I have to do five initial discussions. What are your five initial discussions book? What has to happen for that to be true? I have to call 25 warmed prospects per week. Well, what has to happen for that to be true? And so I just keep asking myself that question and building this whole list of inputs. I’ve got to do this and then I do this, and then I got to do this. And when I do these things, this happens. These are these are called lead measures. All right. So, number one, define the win number to determine the inputs it takes to win number three of five. I’m going to share that in just a moment. First, I want to take a second and ask if you’ve downloaded my remote work success bundle yet, because if you haven’t, you really should. There are three main parts to it. First, I share with you my portable office. There’s a video that I show you exactly what I pack, how I live out of a backpack for my entire portable office. Though the world headquarters of my corporation fits into my backpack because we travel with carry on luggage only. And so with this I can seamlessly work from anywhere is significantly helps increase productivity on the go because I have a set up that works and it reduces setup time. I can land someone someplace and be up and running and I don’t just have my laptop. I’ve got some few different things that I need. I got some, you know, I do some videos, so I’ve got some backlights and you know, I like to have a good tripod. And so you got it. You just got to see the whole thing. I have a, a stand that I can set up a standing desk or I can be sitting down and I share that in there. So that’s one of the reasons you should download download this. The second I go in the detail of my time management and productivity process, I do got some videos of the screen chairs. I got a little workbook guide that goes there, and this is really how you can also optimize your work life balance, find enhanced efficiencies in your day, and definitely reduce stress. The third part of the Remote Work Success Bundle is my onboarding process for new hires. This is going to make a very smooth integration process for you. Finding bringing on two new team members and increase your team’s morale and retention rate. So those are just three of the elements of the Remote Work Success Bundle. Head over two D and E stands for Digital Nomad Entrepreneur D and E podcasts dot com and you’ll see that available at the bottom of every page. All right. So back to the five tips we’ve covered. Number one, which is define the win with the Y. Number two, determine the inputs. Now we’re at number three, dream regularly. This was kind of a game change for me with my goals. I had to keep the dream alive. I had to regularly remind myself of the benefits and the reasons for this goal, because you have to recognize it’s going to get difficult and it’s going to get really difficult the longer it goes. And so you have to prepare yourself to push through the wrong time to motivate yourself. Is in the challenge. What you want to do is when you’re excited about it. When you first have put the dream down and you don’t even want to get started, do you define? How am I going to keep this dream alive? How long to keep this motivation going? Now, some people, it helps them to tell somebody of their goal and they’re like, I’ve got accountability now. I just, quite frankly, don’t care. Like, if I tell you I’ve got a goal and I change my mind later, might change my mind and I don’t really care. So that doesn’t work for me. I am more self motivated than externally motivated. So when it comes to the weight loss example, I have to visualize my success. I keep, you know, pictures of the food I want to eat on vacation around, look at it and ooh, I want to have that. Maybe I’ll take a little extra money and set it aside and say the only way I can take that extra restaurant money is when I hit my goal. All right. And so I put it in an envelope. I write the names of some restaurants on it. And I look at it every day like, ooh, this is this is going to be good. It’s going to be good. I’m going to remember I’m going to be motivated. And so I got to set something up for the business. Well, for their for that goal. I share success stories and positive feedback from new clients. When we make a sale, I get it. I get excited and we celebrate this at our weekly leadership team meeting, and we make it a big deal. But we keep talking about the sale. Is it the the actual win? Okay. The win that we’re looking for is a project every week. And for us, a little side note, what we really celebrate as a company when we go all out celebrating is when a client pays their 13th month invoice because that means they’ve signed up. They’ve been with us through a whole year. They’ve chosen to stay with us a second year. We celebrate the retention. We celebrate year to year one. That was great, but I don’t want to lose track of year two, year five, year ten. So you’ve got to keep the dream alive. How do you do that? Dream regularly. I’m back on topic now for setting goals. Number four, diagnose and optimize. Now, at this point, you might be thinking, whoa, wait a second. Eric, you said there are five of these and so far you’ve done. Define determine do ream diagnose is number five also going to have the letter D at the beginning? Well, let’s get to it here in just a few minutes and find out. And then after number five, I’ll wrap things up with this week’s leadership tip of the week. But number four, diagnose and optimize here. What I’m doing is I’m regularly analyzing my progress and optimizing my strategy based upon results. I don’t wait to the end of the goal to see how I’m doing, getting there. I’m making micro adjustments regularly. Okay, see, this isn’t this week’s leadership tip of the week, but leadership isn’t about getting it right. It’s about making adjustments. And so to lead myself right, I have to I have to make adjustments to lead my team. Right? We have to make adjustments. All right. You know, we got to keep this going. We’ve got to keep ourselves on track. We make micro adjustments regularly. So, for example, in the weight loss example, you know, I’m going to weigh myself every week, all right. And I’m going to adjust my routine and diet as needed to address any obstacles and business. I’m going to review the weekly sales performance. I’m going to look at the activity calendar. I keep an activity calendar tracking how many text messages I’ve sent emails, I’ve sent calls, I’ve sent initial discussion meetings I’ve had sales presentations I’ve had like I got to look at that. Are the numbers matching up? How many hours did I dedicate to this? Like, what’s what’s getting in my way? Maybe I have to refine my pitch a little bit or adjust the copy in an email or a text message or my phone script. But I’ve got several metrics I can look at along the way, but I have to review these weekly and I adjust my targeting strategies and address any bottlenecks and that that I discover in the process. Because why do I have to do this? Because the dream and the why are compelling and I haven’t forgot about it because I’ve looked at it regularly. I’ve reminded myself, I’ve reminded my team regularly of it and we have a plan, we’ve determined the inputs. So we’re going to we’re going to tweak and adjust or we’re going to we’re actually going to evaluate. And just there’s a guy, Jamal Miller I have never watched any of his stuff. I, I literally know very little about the guy, but I have a really good friend, Jackie, that is regularly quoting Jamal to me. And he says, One of the things that he’s learned from Jamal Miller is launch, analyze, optimize. He he launches something, he analyzes it crazy, and then he optimize. And that’s that’s really what we’re talking about here. You’re going to you’re going to define the win in the Y. You’re going to determine the inputs and then launch yourself working on the goal. All right. You’re going to launch yourself working on that goal. After you’ve determined the inputs, then you’re going to continue to dream regularly while you’re analyzing, diagnosing progress, and then optimizing for success. And a lot of times doing this, we often end up reaching goals much faster than we thought we would, even much faster than the time we put on it. Because regularly we’re finding ways to make things work more efficiently and smoother. All right. So number five, number five coming your way, but I can’t share it to you. And he hit the subscribe button. That’s right. I’m going to sit here and wait. Okay. I’m gonna wait until you do all the nice things. Subscribe, leave a review, send me your thoughts. Send me an email Eric at Danny podcast dot com. Okay, I’m not really going to wait. That would be ridiculous, but I would so appreciate it if you would do all the nice things. I really enjoy getting emails from listeners. Seeing the subscribe and follow counts go up. Reading reviews like really would mean a lot to me. It’s it’s how I know what’s working, what’s not working. It’s how other people help find the show. So it would really if you if you’ve made it to this far and you’ve gone, hey, this isn’t terrible, then leave a review. If you made it to this far, this part, you’re like, Man, this is really terrible. You should just stop listening, okay? I don’t know why you’re still here, but if you’ve made it this far and you’re getting anything out of this, please leave a review. Subscribe, email me your thoughts. Do one of those. All right. Number five, recapping real quick, define the winning the Y, determine the inputs, dream regularly, diagnose and optimize. And now number five. This is my favorite. Here we go. A light. That’s right. The light in milestones and the win. Don’t wait to the end to celebrate. You’re going to set some milestones. You want to celebrate milestones in the ultimate achievement of your goal, recognizing and rewarding your efforts. What gets rewarded gets repeated. That’s important to note. What gets rewarded gets repeated and milestones is I don’t just reward outputs. I reward inputs. If I do, if I say I need to do X, Y, Z this week and I do x, y, z, I get a reward. I get a reward even if the output isn’t there. I get a reward because I’m going to analyze. I’m going to diagnose. I’m going to diagnose and optimize. I’m going to step back after who I did, the inputs I did. If I did X, Y, Z, give myself a little celebration when I have a little gift for myself. I do a little something to celebrate. And then I’m going to sit down and go. Now, it didn’t work like I thought it would. So what? What didn’t work? What part of my hypothesis is wrong and I’m going to change something, but I’m going to stick committed. And the next week I’m going to do X, Y, Z, and I’m going to celebrate it that the person on my team does x, y, z. I’m going to celebrate that. And then we’re going to look at the output. Don’t be focused on the outputs. Focus on the inputs. Focus on the journey. Every time you take a week and you’ve walked your three times 10,000 steps and you fasted the breakfast and not had anything. Men celebrate. Have, give. Give yourself a little some special. Special for breakfast on Saturday morning. Okay. Well, a little sun sweet in your coffee like dosa before you even, you know, figure out the measurement. Doesn’t matter what the scale said. You’re the winner. You did the work. Celebrate it. Be proud of it. Then measure and go, whoop. That didn’t work by morning. Adjust it. When you celebrate the journey, you’re going to enjoy the journey better. You’re going to stick to it longer. You’re going to start getting results. When I have the same thing with sales activity, all right, we work together as a team and we do all the things we said. You know what I do? My team. We have a virtual break room. All right. Because my team is remote. I’ve got I’ve got people in, you know, all over. I’ve got, you know, staff in Bulgaria, El Salvador, India, the United States as a digital nomad. And who knows where I’m gonna be? We’re all over the place. Here’s the thing. I have learned about all of my staff so far. All over the world. They’ll have a Starbucks next to them socially. They all have Starbucks and they all like it. So we have a virtual break room. We use an app that we don’t use for anything work related. It’s literally just it’s WhatsApp. We don’t use WhatsApp for work. So in WhatsApp I have a group, it’s called the virtual or you know, it’s virtual break room entry into studios, it’s virtual break room. And in there we share about our plans for the weekend pictures of our kids. You know, we we do all we do picture scavenger hunt as well. We’ll share pictures of what we’re having for for lunch, because these are the things you have in a break room. And from some of the time, the time to celebrate. I throw up a screenshot of a barcode in there for a Starbucks gift card and my team can go into their Starbucks in Bulgaria, they can go into it in India, they can go into it and they can get la la la la la de, please. And they go in there to get themselves out a lot. And they stay and they go, I’m celebrating because I did the things I said I was going to do. And then we come together and we go, All right, did it work? And many times did. Sometimes it don’t. So we diagnose, we optimize. This is the framework we use. I use to break the goal fail cycle. Just to recap, define the winning the Y, determine the inputs, dream regularly diagnose and optimize in delight in the milestones. Now, if you’re a regular listener, you know what’s about to happen right now. I’m going to share this week’s little leadership tip of the week. If you’re a new listener, you might be going, what’s let’s that what’s the leadership tip of the week. I in every episode, I’m up to episode 26, y’all. This is so exciting. And 26 times now, I have shared a leadership tip of the week. Why do I do this? Because your leadership capacity. My leadership capacity is the capacity of our business. Our businesses cannot grow beyond our leadership skills. So I am constantly working to up my leadership game and I want you to be successful. Whatever you do in the best way I can help you do that is help you increase your leadership. But the last thing the world needed, I think, was a leadership podcast. What I saw and what I was getting asked a lot about was being a digital nomad entrepreneur. How do you build a business that you can run from anywhere, even if you choose never to leave? You know, like I’ve got plenty. A lot of people listen to this. They have no desire to let to leave where they’re at. They they just they’re just tired of working in the cubicle. And they’ve decided, I’m either going to work from my home office, my kitchen table, or the back deck. Like they just that that’s that. And that’s totally okay. But I got just as many of you that listen, that have the wanderlust. You want to hit the road, do some traveling. Well, your ability to do that is going to be directly in proportion to your leadership. So this week’s leadership tip is this Are you ready? You may want to be sitting down unless you’re out for a runner walk and you’re listening to this. Why you move and keep moving. But for the rest of your mo in the yard, turn them over off. Sit down. All right. Here we go. Organizations get the results they’re organized to get. Yeah, right. Seriously? Organizations get the results they’re organized to get. So if you’re not getting the results that you want, your systems are broken. It’s always a systems failure. Don’t blame the people. Don’t blame people. People are people. People are going to do people work and thrive in healthy systems. Organizations get the results they’re organized to get. If you’re not getting the results you want, change your change your systems. Work on your systems. All right. Now, does that mean you may have some bad people? Sure. Here’s an indicator of having bad people. If you have to make up a bunch of stupid rules, you have bad people. Okay. If you have to have a rule that says don’t watch Netflix when you’re supposed to be working, you’ve got bad people. Okay. Like, you shouldn’t have to make that a rule. We our first policy and our and our H.R. policy manual is the no policy policy that says we’re not going to create a bunch of stupid policies All right. Be be responsible. Be an adult. You be an adult, and I’ll reward you like once. This is how we you know, we organize youth. We organize for for the success we want. And if we are, we will if we are regular, regularly getting bad people. Okay. Not that I think there is such a thing, but if we are getting bad people, I’ve got a bad recruitment system, a bad interviewing system, a bad onboarding system. Like I have a broken system. Don’t blame the people. It’s your visit or no such thing out. There’s good employees, Eric. You should just hard to find good employees. Yeah. Okay. So you’re saying that no business out there has good employees? There’s no good people on the planet. Is that what you’re telling me? Then you’re not a good person. Okay. Of course there’s good people out there. You’re a good person. I’m a good person. We have. I’m a team of great people. Organizations get the results they’re organized to get. My friend. Thank you for listening. I look forward to reading an email or a review from you before the next episode. Until next time. Chase the big dream. Lead with courage and safe travels.