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Are you tired of the same old networking tactics that never seem to work?
Networking and referrals can be powerful tools for growing your business, but many people are stuck in a rut. In this episode, we’ll discuss how to break free from those limitations and discover new opportunities.
By the end of this episode, you’ll learn how to:
  1. Expand your networking goals: Discover how to go beyond traditional sales pitches and build genuine relationships.
  2. Be ruthless in your networking efforts: Understand the importance of persistence and taking action.
  3. Leverage networking for referrals: Learn how to turn initial connections into a steady stream of referrals.
Listen to this episode and start implementing these strategies in your own networking efforts. You’ll be amazed at the results you can achieve when you expand your horizons.

Full Transcript

Out of the four different primary strategies of lead generation, my favorite hands down is networking and referral. In this episode, I want to try to expand your thinking on the boundaries of what’s possible with networking, because most people, in my experience, don’t even begin to crack the nut. Of all the potential available to them. Welcome to the podcast, everyone. My name is Eric. I am a digital nomad entrepreneur, traveling full time with my wife and our four kids, and we are having a great time. I’m going to give an update at the end of the main part of the content. The thing that got you to tune in today. At the end of all of that, I give a quick travel update for those of you that like that part of our lifestyle. And I’ll be honest, I’m trying to rush to get this recording done right now. I’m keeping an eye on the clock. Our landlord here in our house in Costa Rica is on their way here to pick up our Wi-Fi router, to pick up our Internet router, because we fly out in two days for Argentina, we fly out on Sunday for Argentina. The routers got to go back today so she doesn’t get charged for an additional month of wi fi. So the last couple of days we’ve downloaded a bunch of content to all of our kids devices to get them through the flights coming up and stuff like that. So we’re all ready to go. But I want to get this recorded before she gets here and I record my podcast in Adobe Podcast, I recorded live into Adobe Podcast, so I need the Internet. So if this feels a little rush to you, that’s why. So what do I want to unpack with you? I’ve got I’ve got three things today that I want to unpack with you as it relates to networking and referral. And then the third one, I’ve got three tips in that. So I guess you could say I have six three main points, three sub points, six points all together. Now when it comes to networking and referral and I used to do I really built my business on networking and referrals when I was in our passport country in the United States, when we lived in one place, I was regularly out having one on one coffee meetings. I go to networking events and while I was at the networking event, I would do everything I could to fill my calendar with one on one coffee meetings, and I absolutely enjoyed doing it and got a lot of great benefit out of that. I do the same kind of thing now as a digital nomad, but I can’t go to a local networking event and then have local coffees. I do the same kind of thing, leveraging, being a guest on other people’s podcast. Now, how I learned to do that is I went through a coaching program with a guy named Dustin, and I’m going to have him on as a guest on this podcast here. In a few episodes we will talk more specifically for the full time traveler, how to do networking using podcast guesting that’ll be in a few episodes But for this episode, I have a lot of listeners that aren’t travelers. I have a majority of my audience actually isn’t travelers. They are traveler wannabes. One day they want to be a traveler. Some of them plan to do no traveling. They just like the idea of some of you, just like the idea of of having a business that gives you the freedom to do it if you wanted to. And so if you are someone that is in one place, then I really want you to take some notes. I really want you to pay attention and and and take this in and think about it and leverage it for your business growth. If you are of a traveler, I still want you to follow along and wrestle with the principle behind the practice. And you’ll have to do like I did and wrestle with how do I do this as a digital nomad? How do I do this as somebody that’s moving country to country and not getting customers and clients in the country I’m in, but constantly getting customers or clients back in my passport country for the most part. So with that, let’s go ahead and start with tip number one. Tip number one is you have to expand your goal. I was recently talking to one of my one on one coaching clients and trying to help him with his networking. And he made a comment to me he he’s in a BNP chapter and he says I’ve since him being I I have gone to 21 on ones and it’s just not been good. Nothing has happened of any of them. I go to the one on one, I sit down and I they all tell me the same thing. They don’t need a website. Maybe one day they’ll want a website, maybe one day down the road they’ll need a website. But they’re just not that’s not their thing. And the thing is, that’s just one example of something I hear over and over and over again. And that is people go to one on one meetings after and they go to a networking event. They’re able to turn that networking into several one on one meetings, and then they go to those one on one meetings. They go to those coffee meetings with the intention to get that person to buy the thing that they sell or do. And that is a huge mistake. Huge mistake. You’re not going there to sell something. You’re not going there to sell something. You are going there to build a relationship. Now, many times that quickly turns into a sale, but it’s not always. In fact, what I have found is the ones that turn into a sale always have the smallest return on the meeting than the ones that open the doors for other opportunities down the road. And now right now, I know some of you go on. Well, see, this is why I don’t like this. It’s not scalable. It doesn’t work real fast. I need things happening right now. I’m just going to put out Facebook ads. Oh, okay. Okay. Well, tell you what. Go ahead and create a Facebook ad now and go launch it and see if you’re getting new business tomorrow. All right. You’re not going to you are going to because your ads are going to suck. Our ads always suck when we start. Now you spend money. You get iterations of the ads. You make them better. It takes time for the algorithm. Then find your audience and way down the road you are going to start getting customers. But you’re going to have to spend a lot of money getting the ads to work right. And then once you there things things do start to hum along. Well, okay, that’s fine. If you want to do that and you think you can do that, great. I have no problem with that. It’s just not my cup of tea because that’s just not how I’m wired. I would rather invest the time and building relationships and getting to know people. Even though I’m an introvert, it’s still worth it to me because the best things always happen from that. I’m just not looking for customers or clients. I’m looking to build a community of customers that are with us for a long, long time. You know, I don’t want a high churn. I don’t want a high turnover of customers. I’m not looking at people walking around and seeing nothing but walking dollar signs. All right. We genuinely want to help our customers. We genuinely want to help them grow their businesses. And so we like to start our relationship with our customers through networking and referrals. And that’s just why I’m passionate about it for for me, because the results do we do get to the results. It doesn’t take as long as most people think and good things happen. Now, if you do go to 20 meetings in a row and nothing happens, you’re doing something wrong. All right. In fact, if you do 20, if you do the same thing 20 times and never get the result you’re hoping for. Stop. All right. Learn. Start. Start iterating after three. All right. Give something a good three tries. And if you’re not getting the results you want, it’s time to step back and go. I don’t think I’m doing something right. Okay. Like, I. I think I need to make some adjustments here. So when you if you decide to do this as a way to grow your business, it’s a great way that’s an effective way to grow your business. You can’t start going to networking events and set up one on one meetings and then go there trying to sell something. You have to expand your goal. You have to expand your mindset. You have to go there ready to add value to someone and to begin a relationship. Now there are three things you want to do when you’re at this one. I’m one, and I’m going to get to that at point number three. But I want to share one more thing before I get into that. So point number one, you got to expand your goal. You’re not going to a one on one coffee meeting with or a one on one zoom meeting with the intention to sell your thing. All right. That’s not what you’re going there to do. That’s going to be the happy byproduct. Number one, expand your goal, expand your thinking. Number two, you’ve got to be ruthless, ruthless with this. All right. You absolutely have to be ruthless with this. What I mean by that, you have to be dogged. You have to be persistent. You can’t give up. There’s no money hiding behind your desk. Get out there and make it happen. As Dave Ramsey said, you got to leave the cave. Kill something. Drag it home. All right. That’s how you win at business. It’s how this game is won. And so you got to get out there and make something happen. I’m telling you right now, you go to a local business association meeting, a Chamber of Commerce meeting, a main street organization meeting. You go to a conference, you go to any of these things. You go where your ideal customer is gathering. All right. That’s what you want to find out. Where are my ideal customers already meeting? Maybe. Maybe you’re trying to get people that work in co-working spaces. So you need to be going to co-working spaces. All right. Where. Where is your ideal customer gathering? Wherever they’re gathering, you go for me. My ideal customer customers are business owners. So I’m going the business association meetings and I’m going there and I will have my following week. I’ll have every morning cleared out of my schedule, ready for a coffee meeting, and I am going to do everything I can to leave that networking event with five coffee meetings scheduled. And I love because a lot of business owners are busy, a lot of them are early risers. It’s easy to get people to meet you for a cup of coffee at 730, 7:00, like they’re many, many, many times 7:00, 730. I’m at a coffee shop or when I was in the U.S., was at a coffee shop, having one on ones with somebody that I had met at a networking event the week before. All right. And and when I’m there with them, I am going to do number three. And that is I’m going to do to try to accomplish these three things. There are three things I want when I sit down and have a one on one with someone. If I sit down and have a one on one meeting with somebody that is a potential client, there are three things I want and here’s what they are. First, I want a challenge that they’re facing that I can help them solve. Later, a challenge to be solved later. So oftentimes, especially if I when I was starting out or even now, when I talk to anybody who’s been in business for, you know, any amount of time, I’m constantly trying to learn. And so I’m going to start out sitting down with someone having a cup of coffee. You know, so I’m just kind of curious, how did you get started? Did you always want to be an attorney? Did you always want to be own a bakery shop? Did you always you know now how many of us are doing the things we the thing we always wanted to do? And so suddenly you start your answer. I get some stories. Well, no, actually, I thought I was going to do this and then this happened or. No, actually, I was in the Navy. And when I got out, you’re going to start suddenly getting back stories. And this is gold, because now you’re connecting to them not as just a business owner, but as a human with a story, with a past, and you’re going to find connection points and oh wow, that’s so cool. I know. So and so that has something similar. I you’re going to be you’re just you’re just going to have a conversation. Here’s the thing. Don’t go there and be a salesperson. Being human. All right. How is something you always wanted to do? Do you do this on your own? Who do you do this with? How long have you done it here? What brought why? Why are you doing this thing here? You know, like, you’re just. You’re just getting their backstory, and they’re going to ask you about yours and share it. Don’t spend most of the time on it. Don’t be too big of a talker on it because you’re wanting to get to know them, but you also want to be known by them. So share. Share your story just if you’re a talker. Practice making it a short story. Okay? Just make it a short story. Not a novel. But in this, you’re just. You’re just. Starting to build a relationship with them. And then you’re going to say, hey, listen, I’m just kind of curious. Like I’m a constantly trying to learn as a business owner and be prepared to overcome challenges I might face one day or, you know, just just trying to learn, you know, and constantly trying to learn how to be a problem solver. I’m curious, what’s one of the biggest challenges you’ve ever had to overcome with your business? And I just listen and I thank them. I’m like, Thank you for showing it. That’s really good to know. I really appreciate that. You know, what’s what’s a challenge you’re facing right now specifically as it relates to marketing your business? Now, I’m going to say that because I’m a marketer and that’s what I’m looking for. I’m looking for a marketing problem they’re having. And when they share it, I’m now going to say, I’m just going to say, okay, wow. Yeah, I can see that. Is there something you’ve tried already with that? Why do you think fixing that would solve something like, I’m just asking questions. I just want to know I’m playing dumb and I am going to, even if I know immediately how for them to fix it, I’m going to tell them, okay, I don’t want to be the know it all sitting at the table. I’m going to I’m going to play brain dead or I’m going to go a little brain damage. That sounds like a real problem. And I’m just going to let them share it with me and ask them some follow up question. Why? Why is that? Why do you think solving that would make a difference? What’s something you’ve already tried to do to solve it? What do you have? Any ideas of something you’re going to try? And I’m just going to make a mental note of that. All right. And then I’m going to thank them for their times are going to start wrapping up and I’ll say, hey, listen, I got two real quick questions for you. First off, I’m just curious, is there somebody that you know that you think I should know, you know, specific like, you know, I help people with their marketing and their websites. Like, have you had anybody mentioned recently that they’re looking for a new website or, you know, even if if you’re not comfortable with that, is there just somebody that you’re like, you should know so-and-so? They’re a great business owner. They have a lot of experience. All they know people, they’re a professor of this. They’re just like, Who do you know that I should know? That’s the question I want to get answered now. I ask in different ways, but I’m always asking, Who do you know that I should know? And I’m going to again ask any ways, but I’m gonna find out and then I’m just going to be ruthless. I’m going to go, Why would you mind sending a text message to make an introduction? Hey, can, can you let them know that you’ve told me I should reach out? Can you help me with that introduction? Because what I’m wanting to do is I wanted to turn this one copy into my next coffee meeting. Into my next coffee meeting, into my next coffee meeting. Because if I can go to a networking event week, one of a month and I get five copies the next week, and if I can get those, if I can get four of those people to introduce me to somebody, I’ve got four meetings, week three, I’ve got three meetings, week two. I’m going back to the networking event, week one of the following month and I will have five meetings right there. I just what is that. Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 11, 11, one on ones in one month. Let me ask you this, my friend. How many initial discussions did you have with potential customers last month? Did you have 11? Probably not. This is why I love networking and referrals and expanding my network. And when you live in a small town and area and do this after a couple months, you kind of you’re going to be know. You’re going to be known by people, you’re going to know people. You’re going to be out and about and people will say hi to you and you’re going to say hi to them and you’re going to be in somebody’s restaurant that you had coffee with three weeks ago, and they’re going to see you go wave and introduce into your wife and kids. And this is the this is this starts to build you as a known quantity because here’s what you’re going to do the following day. Are you ready for this? You’ve had one on one. You’ve built a relationship. You’ve got their back story. You’ve, you know, you knocked their guard down by getting their back story. And, you know, now now they’re going to be more likely to share with you their challenge. You’re going to send an email the next day. Now, I would get home and I would write the email and then schedule it to go the next day. I was that that was my that was my system. And I’m going to send an email, say, hey, listen, I really enjoyed our time together yesterday. Thank you so much. I’m looking forward to meeting with whoever they introduce me to. All right. And I’ll let you know how that meeting goes. And I would do that after I met with somebody, I’d come back. Hey said so. Listen, so and so you introduce me a couple of weeks ago to this guy and we get coffee this morning just again, wanted to say thanks for that. You were right. I got a lot out of it. Why am I doing that? Because I’m just building relationship. I’m just I’m going, oh, yeah, Eric, no problem. You know? And sometimes he’ll be like, hey, actually, you know who else you should meet, you know? Or they’ll ask you to reciprocate. Hey, is there anybody you know that I should know? I mean, it’s just you’re building relationships. You’re building your network, all right? The network is weaved together. That is. It is connected. Okay? It is a it is a net that is working. All right. You’re not just going out and having one offs. Will you buy something from me? Hey, will you buy something from me? Will you buy dumped in from me? That’s not networking. That’s obnoxious. Don’t be obnoxious. Be a networker. All right. And then when you get home from the meeting, you type of an email. Thanks. Thanks for having coffee with me. Thanks for making it introduction. I can’t wait to meet with them. By the way, I got to thinking about what you said that you were trying to solve x, y, z. Here is something you can try. Here is something I’ve had success with another client doing. Here is something. Here is. Try this, do this. Here’s a free thing. Okay, here’s a reason. Hey, use this like you’re going to have value. Hey, you shared a problem that you had a problem when that my my business happens to solve. You shared a problem you’re having. Here’s a here’s a Band-Aid for it. Here’s a Band-Aid. I hope if you would like any more specific help with it, let me know. Is this just natural? I’m adding value to them. I’m helping them solve a problem first. I’m sending the the I’m sending the tennis ball back to them. Now it’s up to them to send it back to me. And if they don’t send it back right away, that’s okay. I’m going to follow up after I have, you know, copy with whoever they introduce me to. All right. And then and then. Oh, here we go. Here we go. The third and final thing I have, back to the coffee meeting. Okay, we’re back at the coffee meeting. I’ve this is something you always want to get into. I just do the relation building. Then I get into my three things with a challenge to be solved later. Who do you know that I should know? And then the third is an affirmation. Do you notice they all started with the letter? A a challenge to be solved. An introduction. And then the final one, affirmation. Sorry, I just had to point that out. I can’t help it. But an affirmation that you can add them to your list. That’s right. You’re going to the very end say, hey, listen, I’ve had a great time. I’m really looking forward to meeting with so-and-so. This was solid. I wanted to know. I send a blank. I send a monthly email newsletter on marketing. Now, this is what I would say, because, again, I was a marketer, you know, I am a marketers is what I do. Hey, I want to know. I send a monthly at the time because I was a solopreneur myself. It’s the best I could do. Now I have a team. We send a weekly one. So if I was doing this now, I say, Hey, listen, we send a weekly email newsletter every Thursday that has a business growth tip in it that through marketing, it has a shoestring marketing idea and it has a free social media graphic. You know, we really work hard to add a lot of value in this weekly newsletter. Can I add you to my email newsletter list? I would love to see you get that every week on Thursdays. 99% of the time they say yes. Now you’re going to get a lot of email. You’re going to get people to say no. And that’s okay. It’s no big deal. Well, we know that hurt your feelings. Like, seriously, if you ask somebody if you can add them to your e-mail, you add them to your email list and they say no and hurt your feelings, sell your business and go get a job for somebody. All right. You don’t have what it takes to cut it in this world. It’s it’s a no. There were no can’t hurt you. All right. So just. Oh, no worries. I just wanted to offer. No big deal. And you know why you can say that? Because it is no big deal. But here, these are the things. These are the things when you do this right, this is not every meeting goes this way. Not everybody’s going to have somebody they want to introduce you to. Sometimes you’re going to go you’re going to get there. Well, let me think about it and get back to you. When they say that there’s a very good chance it means you came across too salesy. That’s a good indication that you. Okay, I got to work on that. Now you want to debrief or when they leave? What a replay it back in your head. Would you be ruthless with this? What did I do? Where did I talk too much? How? And you’re going to do it because the first time you’ve got it, it’s not going to be great. But you can get better and better at this. You should set a goal to have 15 one on one coffee meetings a week. And if you can’t do that, do five, do one two weeks. I don’t care. I don’t actually I don’t really care what your goal is. Come up with a goal and set it and then work towards it. I used to when I would go to events, I would put I was would wear a shirt with a with a pocket in the shirt and I would put a couple of business cards. I would put, you know, three or five depending on what my week was like the following week, you know, and my goal, I’d play a little game with myself to see if I could get rid of all of those business cards at a networking event with an appointment written on them for the following week. Because I would just know. All right. Hey, you know, I you know, we met at a networking event. How you doing? Nice to meet you. And even if it was somebody that wasn’t my that was I was I don’t build websites for realtors, but I would go meet with realtors. You know why? Because I, I had a referral partner and until we retired, the referral partner, great guy who I met at a networking event and went had coffee, you know, there are no m ever going to go to a website for this guy because I don’t build websites for realtors. And we went and we had coffee and turned out he is a commercial realtor, was a commercial realtor and we got to talk and he said, you know how many times I meet with people that are looking to start a business and they have no real plan or strategy for marketing. And we talked about it for a little bit and he said, What would you do with someone that was just starting out? And I said, Oh, I’d keep it simple, you know. And I explained, I, you know, would go into a phased approach, stuff like that. And he said, Hey, that’s great. He’s like ten. And I just introduce you every single time I got somebody that is looking to put in a business. I’d like to be able to say, Hey, work with me for your real estate space because I’ve got a guy that can really help you get the most out of it He’s a local that’s an expert at marketing to locals. And that became an amazing fundraiser. Had I gone to that coffee with, Can I build you a website? Or If I had been at the networking event and thought, Well, I don’t want to build websites for him, so you can’t look at people as projects. You can’t look at people as somebody to sell something to. The best way to look at people and see them is to see them as people. Okay. Do you like trying to be sold, too? Probably not. So don’t try to sell to others. They’ll be weird. There’s going to be weird. Okay. Go to a networking event. Talk to people and just say, hey, listen, I. I am constantly trying to learn as a as a business owner. Can I buy you a cup of coffee next week? You know, one morning, can we meet up? And I just. I’d love to pick your brain a little bit on. On business. I’m just always trying to learn. And I think you you’re somebody I could learn a lot from. That was my typical thing. And I mean it it wasn’t it wasn’t a gimmick. It wasn’t a say. I meant it. I wanted to learn, and I would and I would go and I would start with it. So how did you get started? Did you think you would always going to do this? Why do this? Why do it here? What’s been the biggest challenge you’ve over had had to overcome? How did you overcome that in business and business? Wow, that’s great. I can imagine. I can see how that’s going to be useful. I’m going to remember that. What’s something you’re trying to solve right now? What’s your biggest challenge right now as it relates to your marketing and your business? What do you think solving that would do? Why are you. What have you tried? You know? Are you trying something now? Hey, is there somebody you know that I should know? Hey, who is there somebody that you’re like you should talk to? So and so you learn a lot from them. And just, you know, if you ever know of anybody looking for a website, I’d love the introduction to them. You know, that would that would be great. And then finally, hey, listen, before we leave. This has been great. I send a weekly e-mail. I send a monthly e-mail. It’s got this in it every week. Every month. I think you would really be beneficial for you. It would mean the world to me if I can add you to that list. When I get home, I add you to that list. So you get my newsletter. And if you don’t like it, you can unsubscribe at any time. Like, there’s there’s the outline of my conversation, and I would have it over and over and over again. I’m telling you right now, over and over and over again, the doors got opened. And so many times it wasn’t just from the person I was having coffee with. They would a couple weeks later or a lot of times at the very next networking event, I go and they connect me to, Hey, listen, they were just telling me, this is Joe. He’s got the CrossFit. He was just telling me he needs a new website. Joe, this is the guy I met with last week. He’s a web designer. Really great guy. You two should talk. I got all of my web’s initial website projects and gigs this way. All of them built my business this way. And when I hit the road as a digital nomad. I thought this was impossible. I can’t build my business this way any longer. And that was that was faulty thinking. That was a mistake on my end. And I’ve tried went around trying all the other things. And recently I realized I got to get back to what I love. And so that’s why I decided to go back to my roots, figure out how to do this networking thing as a digital nomad. And I’m going to be sharing with that with you very specifically here in a couple of episodes.