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March 7, 2024

Scaling Your Business with Delegation: A Digital Nomad’s Guide to Success With Guest Stephanie Hudson from FocusWP

Stephanie shares from her experience the keys to successfully working with an outsourced team. We discuss the importance of redundancy and safeguards in business operations, especially for digital nomads. The conversation covers leveraging service models, delegation strategies, and tips for effective briefs. In addition, Stephanie introduces us to her company; FocusWp, highlighting its role as an ad hoc team that provides instant scalability for businesses

Resources / Websites Mentioned in This Episode

– FocusWP ( where you can save 20% on your first block of hours with code Nomad20

– Divi Chat (

Full Transcript

Stephanie. Welcome to the Digital Nomad Entrepreneur podcast. Good to have you here. Man it’s like old times. Eric I know. David Chat days. We used to hang out every single week talking and I in the world and I’m just going to go ahead and declare it. I know last episode Tim Stifler was on is our guest and him and I were talking about how different ways you could build your team, what different teams might look like. But your interview is happening before his, so I think that officially makes you the very first guest. Heck, yeah. So that is how I like number one. And you should be. You should be. So I am excited to have you on here because I think for a lot of digital nomads out there that are in specifically the web design space, digital marketing space, I think you are somebody they need to know about for sure Awesome to do because you provide some unique services through your company focused WP. Mm hmm. And your big thing is you can be an extension of people and help them out while they’re out on the road. Traveling? Yep. We are your ad hoc team, basically. We are a team in a box. Just add water kind of a thing. We’re an instant team. So you can immediately scale up with us and then scale us down. And there’s the only thing you pay for is what you use of us. So there’s not not a commitment, there’s no subscriptions, none of that stuff. So it’s really it can be useful for folks who are just starting out or who are on a budget or whatever all the way up to folks who are really well established and have a bunch of their own clients that we can just take some of the burden off and give you time to go explore all those cool locations you’re in. And not only that, I think, you know, as you know, you’re a business owner. I’m a business owner. And I believe you. And I would agree that every business owner needs to have some redundancy built in, some safeguards build, and in case something happens, their computer, they never know. You might get hit by a bus, which coincidentally recently happened to me. I had a medical emergency a few months ago and it was very enlightening. I fortunately, you know, everything kept running because we had so many things in place. We have our team and all of that and my business partner and so forth. But it’s a scary thing and I don’t think I think a lot of folks who especially are solopreneur are a bit vulnerable in that way. So we try and we have a couple different ways that we can support that. Yeah. Or even if you’re even if your team. Well, let’s say it’s you and a in a V.A.. But you’re the one still doing all the technical work on client projects, client sites, things like that. You know, your VA may not be able to step in and help. And so it’s going to be really important to have some redundancy systems. So I I’m curious, do you have any. And you may not. I’m kind of putting you on the spot with this question. Do you have any digital nomads? That you’re currently working with. Present company excluded. Yeah. I, I don’t know, actually, because it doesn’t really matter. I don’t care where you are, and hopefully you don’t care where we are. We’re all over the place where a distributed team. But I just like. I really. There’s something I love about digital nomads, and I was hoping I’d get a chance to share this. Yeah, and that is that. You guys are orchestrating your life. And I love that I I’ve worked for myself and worked from home since way before COVID. And so now that’s super common. But before it really wasn’t. And I remember if I had some flexibility to go and do things during the day or take vacation or do whatever, you know, just have control of my life. I remember having so many people tell me I was lucky and I don’t mind that like I don’t mind, you know, having gratitude and seeing grace in my life. But I was like, Yeah, maybe I am. But also like, I did this on purpose. I planned this and I don’t like, I don’t understand the people that are in the grind in the 9 to 5 can’t wait for the weekend, hate waking up early, all of that stuff, you know, it’s like so. You folks, even though I’m not a nomad myself. Like, I feel like you guys are kind of my people because you are just, you know, grabbing on to life and doing it on your terms. And I think that’s awesome. Well, thanks. And yeah, the way I explain it is, you know, one day Marissa and I to my wife, we were in the process of talking about buying a house and stuff, and we were talking and of course, one of our kids had to go to soccer practice and it’s this stuff. And we realized that, wait a second, we were chasing the American dream and and problem with the American dream, but we had never decided to chase the American dream. We were doing it because that’s what everybody was doing. Were you or was the American dream chasing you? Really? Yeah, I don’t know. There was a chase in happening and then that’s when we decided, wait a second. Is this what we want our life to look like? And we kind of made some adjustments from there. So but for people that are out there and what I what I’m really hoping to do with this podcast is a clip I’m hoping to inspire, equip and empower people to get the most out of life for those that want to be a digital nomad and want to own a business, not own a job, but own a business and, you know, be leveraging other people, you know, trading other people’s time for money. It’s like that. And so almost everybody listening is at some point going to have to start bringing on a team. And I started with using freelancers and some leverage service models and things like that before I ever started hiring a team. And I think it’s a great way to start. Do you do you have any tips for somebody who is looking to work with a leverage service model? Like, if I come to you and want to work with you or something like you, how can I be most prepared to to so make it successful? It is all about the brief, in my opinion. And if if the folks listening don’t use the term brief in their day to day life in this way, what I mean by that is when you are going to ask somebody to do something for you. You have to be able to clearly define and explain it, set expectations and convey it in such a way that they understand what is expected of them. And that might mean the deadline, the timeframe, the exact steps they’re supposed to take or just the end result, whatever it is that needs to be clearly conveyed. Because if you can’t do that, then that’s where a lot of back and forth starts to happen. And maybe or maybe not enough back and forth. And you end up with a completely different result that you didn’t communicate. So there’s there’s lots of examples I can give. For example, just last week we had someone who filled in an SEO ticket and she knows SEO and she was just too busy. So she offloaded something, which is another sort of use case that we have. Like if you even if you know how to do it or like doing it, but you might just have too much business or not enough time. So she outsourced to us and then her and I had a chat. I actually knew her from before we were colleagues, but we didn’t talk to her while we caught up. And she started saying to me, she’s like, Yeah, no offense, but I expected this to be different and that to be different. She’s like, I guess I should have said that in my brief. And and then she’s like, and this I thought was maybe I guess I should have said that in my brief. And it was really funny because it was like because she knew it so well. She didn’t think through all the steps of how to explain it to somebody else. So you have to kind of flip the script a bit if you understand something and say like, What would I need somebody to tell me if I was going to do this thing? Like what information, what I need, if I was going to copywriters, write this blog post for me or, you know, developers build this page. Designers, you know, they would need your color scheme or your branding or, you know, there’s so many different little things that that could be useful information that would go to the success of that particular task or project that if it doesn’t come in the initial brief, no matter what, it’s going to be either a project that goes on longer than it should or will fail completely. And that’s, you know, nobody wants that to happen. And it doesn’t it doesn’t usually fail. It usually is like things just take longer than they should, which costs everybody money and time. And nobody wants that either. Right now, more revisions, more back and forth. Well, because even even though I think a lot of people I talked to don’t like this, there is more than one way to do SEO. There is more than one way to do copywriting. You know what may what you may have learned, the experiences of you’ve had in the files you’ve created in your head of of how to do something and what an outcome should look like. Other people doing the same exact work, you know, may have that completely different. So I like that totally scribe. This is what I, I’m really looking for at the end and being specific with that for sure. So that’s cool. So does somebody need to be very established in their business before they even come to that? Like, does somebody need to know SEO before they come to you or other people to really leverage it, outsource it, you know, whatever term they want to use? Not at all. And I actually I like the word delegate because outsourcing has this sort of connotation. If you’re going maybe you’re going overseas or you’re I don’t know, whatever, it’s that you’re outsourcing to this sort of unknown entity that you may or may not be able to count on. Right. And delegation infers that it’s sort of internal and that’s what we strive to be, is just an extension of your team. So like, if you open the door to the room you’re in and walked out, just imagine an entire agency staff sitting there just waiting for you to give them direction. That would feel a lot more like delegating than it would outsourcing. And so now that I’ve rambled on about the differences between those words, I’ve completely forgot what the question was. How far or how established is. All right, so sorry, sorry, sorry. Yeah, how established you have to be to use focused. WP Well, the answer is it doesn’t matter. Whatever, you could be an absolute expert and then you can just ask us to do something or you can be a total noob. I basically say like the two use cases that we solve for are either a skill gap or a lack of time, so we can take things off of your plate if you have too many things or too little time, or we can fill a skill gap. So we have all of these different teams. We have six actually. So we’ve got development, design, copywriting, SEO, video editing, and we do have admin as well. So if you are, for example, the very common case is that someone is a creative person, their artistic, they are designers, they might design a website, but they are not a coder. So someone needs a technically complicated website. It doesn’t mean they don’t understand websites or how to do it or whatever, but that just means like they might want to bring in are their their focus AP devs to help part of the project. Nice. And yeah. And that’s where we’ve looked at and used focus in the past for, for some stuff like that and some SEO work and things. The other thing, if I may also is like sometimes maybe you have design and development covered and you’re sick of, you know, trying to get content for from your clients. So like you’ve done, Eric, you’ve just started. I know that you always require copywriting to be part of a website project, right? We just do the copy, right? But if you are a business that is small and doesn’t have the bandwidth to do that, you could still require it and and say it’s you doing it, but then you just send it to your focus. WP Copywriters. To do that, same goes with things like SEO and all of those other things that if it’s a service you’d like to offer. You don’t have to go learn that whole thing and figure it all out. You can just just outsource it to us. Yeah, I was talking to one of my coaching clients the other day and he was hung up on, you know, trying to figure out how to how to explain to his clients that he was going to be using this this freelancer to do part of the work. And I was just like, you don’t you just say, oh, I’m going to have somebody on my team work on that because it’s your business. And in business there are so many terms you actually get to define the term and team is one of those. You get to define who your team is, how your team is made up, what makes up your team. And you don’t have to get into all of the explanation of that. Nope. It’s the greater we. Yeah, yeah. We’ve got to do this. We will take care of this for you. We might whenever you agree to something that you will do for your client, because the answer is always yes. What’s the question? Right. So when you’ve got to do something, then you say we can take care of that, and that we might include a future service provider or vendor that you haven’t even met yet, but they will get it done on your behalf. And so it becomes retroactively true. It’s the magic of the Internet. There you go. Well, I. I like testing systems before I rely on systems like that. Yeah, I’m really glad I do last so that we’re recording this right now at the end of January 24 and when the last the first week of December of 23, I came in to turn my laptop on. It wouldn’t turn on. No. And I tried everything I could and it had to go to an Apple authorized dealer here in Costa Rica. And it took about six weeks for me to get my laptop back. Luckily, before we ever left the States, I spent three weeks running my company from my iPad. It’s not as efficient, but I knew I could do it. And so with focus, I think this is a prime example if somebody is not used to it. What I love about your model is I can come in and test it. I mean, I can hire you to do something on my own website and test it and learn your system and learn how to work with you. And then from there you will know. And then as you’re on the road, you’ve got the system. And because with you and now for the moment, we’re just talking to web designers that provide care plans to their clients. And I have a lot of people that listen that don’t do that. But for those that do, you have a you provide the they care for it. They can just put their client websites right on your your program. Right. Yeah you can offload to us for it’s cheap, too, 34 bucks a month which you should be charging minimum of 75, like 90 like probably minimum of 99 at this point. But you should be charging that much. Give us $34. We do all of the maintenance, backups, updates. And then the best part is for those cases where some crazy thing goes wrong. During an update, we will spend up to an hour each week when we run updates. If it’s necessary to fix something, roll it back, troubleshoot it, whatever it is, which is like for some folks, worth its weight in gold. If you’re not a super geek, that can go dig in and solve some of these plug in conflicts or something like that. So so that’s really, that’s really useful service that we love. Well, and what I like about that is if I’m in a country and the Internet isn’t super reliable or I’m in transit and you know what we’re supposed to take one day of travel turns into three days of travel because of delays and all of this stuff If I’m out there doing this and running my business, you know, on my own, that’s really scary. And that is yeah, that’s that’s an element to digital nomad life that is unique to non nomads, non nomads that go to the office every day and stuff like that. They have systems that they. I’m saying I’m not saying emergencies don’t pop up for them. They, they do. But when you become nomadic, you, you are multiplying the chances of something happening. For sure. Yeah. Yeah, that’s really cool. Well, so more so than the maintenance stuff like that, I think we have a. A service offering that we call our vacation service, which is a terrible name, really, because it could be for any leave of absence where we will monitor an email address for you and you can either forward something to us or, you know, give us delegate access of an account, whichever you prefer. And we will you onboard your existing customers. And this is for if you’re listening out there for any of your customers that might have requests that would come in for any of those six teams that we have. So for Vas, for like, you know, Ministry of Task, covering tasks, design, development, any of those things we can monitor for requests that come in and respond on your behalf. And then also it’s completely white label. So they don’t know that we’re separate from you even. And then we can actually do the work and it’s pretty reasonably priced as well. I think it’s only 40 bucks a day you have to onboard your sites. So there’s a little there’s a bit of an onboarding fee for that. But but you never know. We might have some pretty good deals for the Digital Nomad podcast, but but if you get your sites onboarded with us, then you could just flip the switch, turn it on. You know, all you have to do is be able to get a text or a phone call or an email through if you lose Internet, wherever you’re at in the if you’re shopping in the Amazon. Is that what you did, Eric? You went shopping in the Amazon? No, we went well, we went camping in the Amazon. I know. I’m joking. But you were like, tried it. What was it? What was the joke? It was funny because you guys were like camping in the Amazon and your your wife or somebody thought you were talking about like getting shoes on Amazon. And it was like, yeah, it’s for the Amazon. Yeah, yeah, for you. And it’s not from the Amazon. Yeah. No. Right. So all you did, it’s totally unplugged. Yeah, totally. Right. So that’s a case where, you know, you know, that’s coming. You know, you’re not going to be online. We’ve got some some customers that do this who, like one, took a vacation for a month to South Africa. One took a vacation to Ireland. But, you know, they went Europeans they know how to do a vacation, right. They take a month. And so anyway, they they just have us on call so that there’s nothing. And usually so you get 30 minutes a day total for anything anybody requests and anything over that. You just use our regular system of hours, we’ll deduct from it. But but it’s usually not even very expensive because like it doesn’t usually go over because nine times out of ten, if this is a planned thing, a planned absence, you’ve already notified your your clients to say like, hey, I’m not going to be available. We do have, you know, we’re like the on call doctor, right? Like we have somebody on call if you have an emergency email and say this, whatever, and so we can just handle those. So it really doesn’t end up being a very costly. It’s 40 bucks a day, is it? So that’s great. That’s great. That’s great. I mean, and you what? You wouldn’t be able to hire a team member and get them all trained and 16 members because you’ve got the different you those different verticals. And so, I mean, you would never be able to have somebody on your team that could do all of those or even six people. So there’s just there’s just no way about it. So. Very cool. All right. Well, any other last minute or not last minute, but closing tips or advice for somebody who’s never you know, we’re like, what are some of the either mistakes you see people make or the people that come and start working with you. And you were like one time this person did this and it was so impressive and it really made things better. Yeah. You really got to bring in the other tricky questions. I really do think it’s all about the brief. Now, if someone comes to us and they’re inexperienced with briefing and things like that, I like to do a bit of white glove onboarding for folks and I will help walk you through those sort of, you know, questions that you have at the beginning. How long will this take? What should I do about that? How should I say this? You know, we could take a quick 20 minute call or whatever and go through some of those things. I’ve done that with dozens of our customers and I have literally never had any one request a second one, not because it was terrible. I said that badly because like they don’t need it anymore. They’re like, Oh, I get it now. It’s yeah, it’s simple. Yeah, yeah. Very cool bagel. All right, nice. And chat chat app is a great tool to help, right? Briefs we’ve been using sure to tell right briefs. And I even put in your so you’ve got a Facebook group that I made and loved the focus group. And there’s a Thursday night. Hang out. That’s 5:00 Eastern USA Time, right? Yep. Grab o’clock Eastern. It’s called Focus on Your Busy, Busy, which is a good bunch of folks, mostly in web marketing with some of the peripheral services. We’re also, I mean, anybody’s welcome, but really it’s going to be the most benefit to those folks. Or if you are in sort of, uh, a connected field, like if you are an accountant or a lawyer or somebody like that that offers professional services to that group, you know, to those folks, then that’s also a great place for you to come and share some knowledge, learn some things, make some connections, that kind of stuff. And it’s, it’s a free hangout. It’s a free hangout group. And so, yeah, so there’s always great. I really like in the focus group, people share things all the time and I’m realizing there’s no way for me to transition this now to not sound like I’m boasting. But what made me think of the focus group is the other day I shared in the focus group a prompt we started using which activity of using loom to record a video of some of edits. I went down on a site and then taking this transcript from Loom and paste in the chat and it goes through and creates a punch list and identifies holes and stuff like that and helps me create a written brief. And that has been, oh my gosh, absent such a topic, it depends on how you communicate too, right? So if you communicate verbally, which you are a verbal communicator because you’re Mr. Marco Polo and the whole thing, you like to you like to talk things out. I even remember you telling a story somewhere where you had a problem that’s keeping you up in the middle of the night and you just walked around your living room in circles for like hours to talk it out to yourself and to pray and all that. And so there’s so there are verbal people and there are people who do not want to ever be on a phone call or video ever in their life, if possible, you know. So it just depends on how you work, but you can’t feed either way. You could feed that into an eye and get some cool stuff back out. So Eric, I feel like I feel like this has been too much like sales pitches, focused stuff. Now I think that we could help your audience and I think we’d be a great service. And if you want to go to focus WP Dot CEO, you can enter in code Nomad 20 Nomad to zero and get 20% off of some hours if you want to try us out. Oh, thank you. Yeah, for sure. But I also was trying to sit here and think like, what’s something else we could do to help these folks business wise? You guys are business minded. You’re trying to grow a business, not a job. Right? So one of the things, if you are going to want to have time for travel and sightseeing and experiencing different places and all of those things that nomads are all about, you really have to that’s that’s not particularly well-suited for somebody who’s a one man band. Right. It seems like you need to scale your business a bit so that you have these resources and that costs money. Right. So one thing I would maybe suggest is to start working backwards, because if you are and I don’t, I know web design because that’s my industry also have an agency that does that. But if you say you want to make, you know, $10,000 a month, that’s what, two or three websites. Okay. Well, how many hours does it take to. Build and design those. And how much time does it take to do that? Admin Part of that. The back and forth with the client. And then on top of that, oh, by the way, you have to figure out how to get leads and sell three of those in a month. So even if you can do all of that, which is still a lot if you can though, that’s awesome. But then that’s you working full tilt. And so if you want to make. That amount of money. Maybe instead of you doing all the things for two or three projects, you do a fraction of the things for five or six projects. And so that way you could start to think about this in a different way. What is what is crucial for you to do? For many business owners, it’s the sales part, right? Because nobody knows your offering or your service. Service better than you. If you’re not a salesperson, you may be the doer, in which case you can outsource to somebody who does sales, you know. So whatever it is you need to figure out, I have a little matrix that I do in a talk a lot of times, which is almost no use on a audio only podcast, but it’s basically a just a a plus sign drawn big. And so it leaves you four squares, right? And you the upper left corner is things that you love to do and you’re good at them. The bottom left is things that you love to do but you’re not good at. And then on the right, it’s things that you hate doing but you’re good at and that you. Hate doing and you’re not good at the things you hate doing it or not good at. Like those, for sure. Anything lands in that quadrant. Like, get that off your plate. And if if it’s things that you hate doing and you’re good at, like if you can, like, which for some people might be like their bookkeeping or their accounting. For me that falls into the like. Hate it and terrible at it but you know whatever however you work so if you can kind of gauge the different roles and responsibilities in your business. And by that process sort of start rating them as what can I outsource? And then you can start to look for folks who are reputable in offering those services. You can also partner up with some of your other nomadic colleagues and do a fractional option where you share a team member and, you know, different things like that. There’s so many different ways to do it. When I was out there on my own, I’ve never really even longed to be a lone wolf. I’ve always been sort of like, I want to have a team and I want to run a business. But but basically I’ve tried all of the things and I’ve had all of the the hard downfalls, you know, where you hire a freelancer and they either don’t know how to do what they said they could or that the dreaded ghosting of the online developer or whatever it is, you know. So really you can’t. The thing about outsourcing or delegating however you interview it is that you kind of have to start before you need it. Yeah, because I agree. Yeah, because it can be so scary. I have been there where you absolutely need this thing done, but you really don’t know how to do or don’t want to do. And then that person vanishes. And then you are spending your whole weekend up all night trying to figure out how to do it and to get it to deliver it for your client because it’s your reputation on the line. So, you know, choosing the partners that you work with is very important. Sometimes you just got to do that trial and error. But like you said, you know, give somebody a demo project, you know, have something that’s if you’re looking to evaluate folks, you know, we do that when we hire for our team. We have a standard design project, development project, all these things. And so when somebody applies to our team, we can give them that project and then we can rate them and we can compare them with others and, you know, get a feel for how they would be as a fit for our team. So those are a few tips. I don’t know. I hope that’s useful. I kind of rattled through them quickly, but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t just like. Asking for people to come and be my customer. I want to make sure I was like giving to the community and saying like, here’s some this is how you can do. Like, you got this, you guys, you can do this, I promise. Yeah. Well, no, I think that that’s really good because again, not everybody listening is web designer or some like there’s there are oh, man, countless jobs somebody can have or types of businesses you can own and be be nomadic. So I really like that. But I really like what you said about the test. We test everybody higher every chance we get even back to when when I used to run a summer camp and when we were hiring cooks. Part of their interview was we had a grilled cheese. We had a recipe and ingredients on the counter, and they had to go in and make it. What was it? What was it? Oh, just different things. Oh, you know, like a chicken tortellini one time and whatever you were in the mood for that day, whatever kind of yeah, we were in the mood for, but tried to do things they had not done before. You know, we’re like a stuffed like a stuffed meat loaf, things like that. But we just wanted to see how they did following a recipe. And there was always one ingredient wrong or it was always like one ingredient missing. So tricky recipe. There was always a thing go, well, we do this even starting with job descriptions and our position descriptions. When we sent out a position description, the someone will email it to them and we’ll say, Read this over and get back to me with any questions that you have or let me know when you’re done. You know, we can we can move forward. Well, near the bottom in the job description is the area. It’s called the essential functions. Mm hmm. And it’s the things that you have to legally have in your job description that keeps you from getting sued for discrimination. So in there, we had the list of essential functions, and one of them is when you reply to the email, let us know your favorite candy bar. And 50% of the people at least never do it. Yep. And they never get that. We’re just like, Hey, okay, well, you know, we’ll let you know if we have, you know, an interview spot opens up. But they don’t even get an interview about. No, because they just prove they won’t listen to my instructions. We said read through this. Right. Well, no attention to detail. Yeah, well, kind of a pain in the butt. And I’m allergic to details. Nobody else on my team can be allergic to details. We write so much trouble, we do a similar one when people are filling out our online application, I think I can’t remember what form it is, but something it says like mix into the middle of it all. It says, make sure you put your middle name is the word lemon or something silly like that, which is another one. And so if it comes to us, it’ll just like send us a thing. It’d be like either yes or no if they did that and then same deal. Like if they didn’t do that one thing. No Pepsi. No, no. So it’s a good way to test. And I think also testing, you know, I like use the word delegate. You know, service, if you’re going to delegate or partner with someone else, use a library service provider, something like that. Testing. It’s always good to test shoot a bullet before a cannonball. Yep. The bullet before. And if you were as you are learning to delegate more and learn, it’s. It is easier for some than others. Some of you folks may struggle with control. And I have a little pep talk I like to give folks like that. Like I can’t delegate because I am a control freak. I’m a control freak. And I’m here to tell you, like I bet 99% of you out there who think you’re a control freak, you’re not really what what you are is like. And let me ask you this way if. Do you think you’re a control freak because you care about the outcome of your project or the quality of the work that you deliver for your customers or your product, whatever it is that’s not being a control freak. That’s being a good service provider, you know, that’s being a good business. So if you have had experience after experience of folks, it worked for you not doing a good job. That’s the issue, not you. And you’re in the right place because not too many people know and teach leadership like my friend Eric here. Like this guy is awesome. I love hearing the new like leadership techniques and stuff that he brings on both at home and in his business. So take a learn from him because you will you will get a lot farther because once you get into a situation where you do scale up and have more of a team, those skills are invaluable. Well with that. Thank you. I appreciate that. It’s a good transition to the closing segment. And you had no idea. I do this. I end every single episode with a leadership tip because everything rises and falls on leadership. First of all, disclaimer the only reason I don’t know that is because at the time of recording this, only the trailer is up live. So I couldn’t I have not been able to listen to anybody. Not yet, but I sure will. Anyway, it’s going to be like episode eight. But yeah, everything is dropping. Actually, the first four episodes are all dropping on Thursday of this week. But anyway, so you’ll be out in a few more weeks. So yeah, nobody knows that I do end every episode with a leadership tip. Everything rises and falls on on leadership that John Maxwell, as John Maxwell says, and success comes to those that lead to it. And so I just I think leadership is it talked about nearly enough in our space, especially in the web design, digital marketing space where you and I have our agencies and and it’s just people just don’t talk about leadership. They talk they focus all on the tech side of it, but the not the human capital, not not leading a team. So good stuff. All right. Well, Stephanie, thank you. And thank you so much for that code. And they can use that focused SEO if you create where that is. If you go to DKNY podcast dot com, click on the resource tab, you will see under the business services I use, you’ll see focused WP listed and you can click on that link and that’ll open the Focus Pico site. And Stephanie, thank you for that. Let’s let’s actually put a link in the show notes to Eric to go to a landing page for your folks as well so that they can go get an overview of what, what all the different things that we offer for your for your crowd as well will go to focus the report SEO slash DME, DME. I like it. I will link to that in the show notes and in the email that will go out to everybody on my email newsletter with this. So Stephanie, thank you very much for being so good hanging with you. Yeah. All right. That’s it. Thanks, pal. Talk to you soon. Yeah, cool. And I’ll just close things up there, Stephanie. So. And I lead my leader. I look to. I’m going to do shoot a bullet before a cannonball. Hmm. I like that one. So stop with.