Full Transcript
There are five fundamental business processes every business must have in place to survive and thrive. And in this episode, I’m going to give you a crash course on what I call my digital nomad entrepreneur business engine. Hello, everybody, and welcome to the Digital Nomad Entrepreneur podcast. My name is Eric Dengler. I am a full time digital nomad traveling around the world with my wife and our four kids. And what I’m talking about on this podcast, it’s not theory. It’s not something I’ve done once but wasn’t able to repeat it. But I went ahead and decided to put courses together and teach other people this. I am in the trenches. I am doing this day in, day out. I had to make payroll the other day for me and for time in full for are four full time employees. I’ve got to make payroll again coming up on the 15th and the last day of this month and the 15th and the last day of next month. And I’ve got to make sure that we’re putting money into retained earnings and creating profit. I’m having to take care of the legal issues. I also have to make sure that we’re taking care of our customers and doing what we’ve promised. This isn’t theory. And so I’m really, really glad you’re here. And just, you know, my whole goal with this is to inspire, equip and empower you to reach and live your full potential. So what is the digital nomad entrepreneur, a business engine besides too long of a name? Well, it’s really two different things kind of coming together. And so I’m going to get into this and the two things. First, we have the six stages of business, and then we have five fundamental business processes, which is really what I want to spend most of our time today exploring and unpacking together. But I got to make sure first that I mention the six stages before we get into the five processes. Now, I mentioned these briefly in the last episode, episode three on overview of on avoiding challenges that digital nomads face. But in case you didn’t listen to that one, real quickly, the the six stages are this and these are the stages that I see bootstrapped digital businesses go through. What I mean by bootstrap, it means you’re not you didn’t get venture capital. You’re you’re you’re growing at the speed of cash. You’re you’re bringing money in and you’re investing that out into your your business. And so that that is what I mean by by bootstrap. And I think that most digital businesses that all digital businesses really go go through these. Now, again, it doesn’t mean you make it all the way through. Some people get stalled. Some people struggle moving from one stage to the next. But this is a roadmap of business that’s possible for you. And if you happen to be listening to this and you have a brick and mortar store, you know, we share this podcast with our customers from our digital marketing agency. And so you might be listening and you may be thinking, work. I’m not a digital business. I’m a I’m a restaurant. I’m a mechanic. You know, I, I, I, you know, I’m not digital. Well, I believe a lot of small businesses still go through these stages or can progress through these stages. So what are they? First stage of business, the ideation. This is what you’re just dreaming. You’re thinking about what’s possible. Lots of things can trigger this need, can trigger this desire, can trigger this frustration, can trigger this. But something that gives is the catalyst that makes you go I something else is possible. I got to do something else. I want to go in business for myself. I’m tired of working for, you know, morons. Like, I’m going to do something on my own. But we don’t have, you know, the venture capital to jump into something. So. So what do we do? We move to stage two, which is Weekend Warrior. This is where we start side hustling. These are our business ideas. You know, we start watching some online courses, watching YouTube videos. We get our first, you know, customer our first. And we’re getting up early in the mornings. We’re working late at night. We’re putting in weekend hours. You’re the you’re the weekend warrior fighting through this this this side hustle. You’ve still got a 9 to 5. You’re still working full time for someone else. You know, you need those benefits and things like that. But you’re you’re you’re growing your thing. You’re giving birth to your idea. At some point, you’re ready to move to stage three. Stage three is all in. This is where you jump ship. You leave the 9 to 5. It’s all on you. You’re all in. Sink or swim. This is. This is your full time gig. You are you are on this completely. Now, a lot of people stall here. A lot of people stall here. And the people that get stalled here are people that don’t understand the difference between owning a job and owning a business. If you are in the all in phase and you are still responsible for every part of your business, you you have a job. You have a job. You may own it, but it’s not a business. It’s a job. What you want to start to do is hopefully move to stage four. Stage four is team builder. All right. So let’s recap here. We’ve got the idea. We’re in ideation phase of stage one. Stage two, weakened warrior. Stage three, all in. Stage four, team builder. This is where you start developing a team. These could be freelancers. It could be it could be all kinds of different ways to build a team. We’ve got an episode coming up here in a few weeks that we’re just going to explore different ways to build teams and the team builder stage of business. Now this team builder phase, there’s a lot to learn here. It’s really hard to do this. But this this is key. And this is where I do a lot of one on one coaching with folks and and help people make the transition from all in to team builder because there’s a there’s a lot to do there. Once you’re in Team Builder, at some point your team is going to start to expand to the point where you’re not the only leader. You start leveraging other leaders to lead people. This begins your transition to the fifth stage of business, which is C-suite the C-suite stage of business. This is where you as the owner have at least two layers of of people between you and the front line. All right. Between you and your customers. You are now leading leaders that are leading your front line people. This is the C-suite level, our stage of business. And then from there, you’re able to move into the sixth and final stage, which is legacy builder and legacy builder. You’re beginning to do succession. You’re starting to hand things off to the next generation of leaders, maybe a new owner. This could be an outside owner, somebody that you’ve developed through your team. It could be your kids. You know, there’s all kinds of options there, but you also have margin of time, margin of finances to start doing philanthropic work to to start investing in and other projects and pet projects at ways that weren’t imaginable before. So you’re really focused on and really honed in on your legacy. And I’m telling you right now, this like this has nothing to do with age. A lot of people think that C-suite legacy builder for people in their 5060s and seventies, and that’s just not true. You can be easily in your twenties, thirties, forties and be and C-suite and potentially even, but legacy builder. Most definitely Legacy Builder. So these are the six stages of business and and what’s possible. But how do we move through these? This is the core of what I want to talk about in this episode. The five business processes. So I want to take the next a little bit and walk through these five processes. And these are universal to, I believe, every business, any business I’ve worked with through our digital marketing agency, any business I have had or do have. These are the things that constantly are recurring. These are the processes that you need in place to move through the stages of business. Now, in each stage, you’re going to focus on these five processes in a maybe a little bit of a different order, a different emphasis. But they’re still going to be there in one way, shape or form. Now, eventually, especially, you start going from team builder to two seat C-suite. You’re going to start handing some of these processes completely over to people, and you’re going to just narrow it down to where you’re just holding on to the one where you’re just primary on the one. So what are these five process? Sources will rule quickly before I get into those. I just want to share that this episode is coming out in February of 2024. My wife and I and our kids, we are currently in San Jose, Costa Rica. And so if you happen to be in the San Jose, Costa Rica area between February 24 and like April 2024, send me an email. Eric at D and E. Podcast dot com and we’ll get together. We’ll meet up. We can talk nomad life, we can talk business. We just meet and network. Now, if you’re listening to this podcast some other time, you go to the very most recent podcast episode and find out where I’m at, or just send me an email. Send me an email. Erika Dan he podcast dot com and say, Matt, where in the world are you? And if we’re in the same place, man, it would be an honor to buy you a cup of coffee and and talk shop for for a little bit. I love meeting other business owners. It’s just really cool. So there you go. That’s that’s that’s my meet up announcement. Meet up opportunity. Let’s talk now about these five business processes, the first business process and the one you’ll never let go of as long as you own the business and you’ll actually never let go of this process as long as you’re alive, because this is a process that happens everywhere. And you can use the this this in every area of your life. And this is the process of leadership. Of leadership. And it starts if you’re a solopreneur, if it is if it is you and you are weakened, we’re all in. You got to lead yourself. You’ve got to have clear guardrails and boundaries and focus and priorities. You’ve got to lead yourself. Now, what I love about leadership is almost every leadership lesson I learn, whether I learned in leading my business, leading my family, leading my kids, leading myself, I can take that leadership principle and I can apply it to all these other areas of my life. Leadership principles are almost always universal across every area of life. And so it’s it’s so important that you have a process in place for all things leadership. And here’s the other reason this is important. This right here is the capacity of your business. If your business is struggling, if you can’t figure out why your business isn’t growing, I’m telling you right now, it’s a leadership issue. It’s always got. Leader John Macho says that everything rises and falls on leadership and it is absolutely true. That is a universal truth. It is it is a law of business in life. Leadership, leadership, leadership. In fact, this is such an important thing. And I think this is so critical that I and every single episode with a leadership tip of the week. And so you always want to make sure that you stick through to the end and get that week’s leadership tip. Because this is leadership is going to be the thing that impacts all the other stuff you do in business, in life and all the way around. And leadership is a skill you can always be growing as a leader. Now, in business, I include a few other things in in leadership. I include H.R., you know, things and this, you know, so so leadership is going to include, you know, how you present new jobs, how you interview new employees, how you onboard new team members how you, you know, do all of that. That’s all leadership. Your leadership, your meetings with your clients boundaries, your, you know, controlling your calendar, but, you know, making sure that you and everybody that works for you understands where you’re headed, your vision. They have to understand. You have to understand how you’re going to get there. You know, your your mission, your you’ve got to understand your team is constantly got to understand that the things that’s going to guide you to make sure you’re getting there in a way that you want, these are your core values and and and vision mission core values. These things leak these things like you’re constantly going to have to say these things. Leaders are repeaters. You’re going to say this some of the same things over and over and over and over. And just when you think you’ve said. It enough. Something’s going to happen year ago. I can’t believe you didn’t know this. I’ve said it a thousand times. This is what leadership is. And so the first process that you got to have from ideation all the way through to Legacy Builder and even beyond, is leadership. How are you learning leadership skills? How are you growing as a leader? How are you leaving your team? How are you teaching others to lead? So that is process number one leadership. What’s process number two? Simply lead generation. You have got to be able to attract people to what you’re selling, your service, your product, your vision, your your courses. You know, whatever it is, whatever it is. Let’s let’s keep this simple. You’re you’re going to be selling even, most likely, either a service or a product is going to be one of those two things. And you’ve got to attract people to it. So it’s got to be attractive. And you’ve got to be putting out the right messaging. You’ve got to have systems in place to to capitalize on these. So you’re not missing opportunities, analytics to measure how things are going. And there’s just there’s a whole lot and lead generation now. In lead generation. And in all of these processes, really, there’s a quote, I don’t remember who originally said it. I hear this quote regularly from Stu McLaren. He’s the a membership guru. If you want to have a membership program or membership. Yeah, if you don’t have a membership program, Stu McLaren is the guy to learn from and he he gives credit to this person that says this quote all the time. And I just can’t remember who it is. But the quote is, you have to grow into it. You don’t go into it. So when people are starting out, they get they get so overwhelmed because they look and see what another business is doing and they think they got to have all of that stuff in place. You know, they think they got to have all of those things in place. And you don’t you start with what you start with and then you add to it over time. And that’s how these processes work. It if you want to grow a business, the key to it is this what you’re going to do is you’re going to constantly evaluate these five areas of your business, these five processes, and you’re going to every time you look through them, you’re going to see something that is broken, something that is weak, something that is missing. And what you want to do is say, okay, if it’s if if it’s broken, that’s got to be fixed. Okay. If it’s weak, how weak is it? What’s the impact? And is that bigger than something that’s missing? And so you start having to make some decisions and you go, you know what? For this next month, for this next quarter, for this next year, we’re going to focus on this one lead generation component. We’re going to focus on this one leadership aspect of our business. And these are the things you focus on. And you really want to pay attention to these because every time you cycle through these and make each one of these better, your business is going to grow and then you’re going to go through them again. You go cycle through beginning. You’re going to make each one of these processes a little bit better, a little bit stronger. Your business is going to grow. The this is this is why I call it the the business engine, the digital nomad entrepreneur business engine, because we’ve got a path we want to follow. And that path is our stages of business ideation. We can we’re all in team builder, C-suite legacy builder. And how we do that, the fuel that does that is it’s these processes that is that is the engine, the drives. It’s not the fuel. That’s not the right word. This is the engine. These five processes together, the engine, the fuel is the the focused energy and effort you put into this, the improvements that you make on these. So that’s what these processes do. That’s what these processes do. So the first process is leadership. The second process is lead generation. And starting out, your lead generation is just telling everybody, you know, I call it for for friends, family and relatives. All right. Now, you know, friends, you’re telling your neighbors, you’re telling all of your social networks like it’s been out there. A lot of people think that I have this whole elaborate lead gen system and lead magnets and follow ups. So like you grow into that, you don’t go into business with that. All right. You grow into those things. You don’t want to miss. The low hanging fruit, the easy opportunities, the people very close to the two, to you that are going to be way more likely to to buy your service, buy your your product. And then once you have maximized all of that opportunity, then you’re going to start moving out to the next layer of potential customers, the next layer. And that’s what you’re constantly doing. You’re just constantly expanding out, too, to let people know that there is this solution that you have to their problem and your service or product is going to solve their problem in some way. So what is the third process? The third process, lead conversion. Lead conversion, this is this is sales and it also includes reselling. All right. A lot of times people make a massive mistake. They they they create a lead. They bring somebody into to to their business, into their service. They you bring them into your world. You convert them to a customer they buy. And then you immediately go out and start looking for the next person. Because selling nobody, you know, very I won’t say no, but very few people say that they like to sell, but everybody likes the feeling when they do. All right. So you may not like to sell, but, boy, you’ve. Feel good when the sale happens. You’re excited and that’s that’s great. That’s great. But you so many especially it’s just everybody every business they don’t maximize wallet share. So if if you’re if if you’re not focused on things like client retention, bringing clients back through campaigns like birthday campaigns, anniversary campaigns, you know, things like that, if you’re if you’re a if you’re a restaurant. All right. So let’s talk about a brick and mortar store like a restaurant real quick. So a restaurant does all this work for lead gen? You know, they build a reputation that is solid. They’ve got signage, they do all these things. And somebody says, let’s go there for dinner. Well, they come in for dinner where lead conversion starts with a restaurant is the second time you bring that person back. That’s that’s the win. The second time you bring four people back. In my business, we’re a digital marketing agency. You know, when we celebrate a sale, we celebrate a sale when the 13th invoices paid, because that means we have kept people through an entire year of our service. They’ve stayed because they’re happy and they’ve renewed their service with us. We celebrate the win when we cross that 13th invoice off. That is huge. First invoices, amazing second invoice, solid third invoice is a lot of fun and it just keeps it keeps going. But the win, when we move across the the goal line is when the 13th is paid. That’s what it looks like for me. I don’t know what it’s going to look like for for your business, but lead conversion, getting somebody to make that initial purchase and then return or refer, you may be thinking, well, my, my price thing, I, I do roofs, I do roofs. You know, people don’t come back for a second roof, you know, right away. You’re right, they don’t. But they all know people that need roofs. So lead conversion also includes resale referrals. So there’s a lot in that lead conversion. Now, the fourth business process, let’s recap process one leadership process to lead generation. Process three, lead conversion. Our fourth process, collecting and managing money. You have got to have processes in place and these are going to develop and grow. But it’s not just about collecting, but collecting money. That’s the easy part. That’s the fun part. Now you might be sitting there going is not super easy yet. Well, it’s because you’re you’ve got a leadership issue. And the leadership issue is you haven’t evaluated you and made a proper adjustment in your lead gen or lead conversion processes You are always comes back to leadership. And so you’ve got to, you’ve got to look, evaluate, assess, analyze and iterate. Because here’s the thing with leadership. I keep going, but there’s a little side note in leadership. Leadership isn’t about getting it right. Leadership is about making adjustments. Great leaders are constantly making the adjustments that need to be made for the win to happen. All right. So in collecting and managing money, it’s really the managing money side of it. That that that you need to give focus. You got to have a budget. You got have a plan. You’ve got to know your numbers, know your metrics. There are so many people in my space of web design and digital marketing that totally underestimate the cost it takes to acquire a new client. I’m telling you right now, you’re going to spend 500 to 20 $500 to get every new client. The average is going to be around 1500 dollars and a lot of new people around 2500. You might be thinking, well, I don’t spend I haven’t I haven’t spent anything I’ve spent anything to get my first couple of clients. And I always ask people when they ask when they tell me that really how many clients did you sign on last month to? Oh, you got to. Okay. Did you were you working full time? You know, some say yes. Some say no. Let’s say to one say no. That was part time. I was part time. I was only working part time about 20 hours a week. Okay. So I have time. How much do you value your time for that? Not how much did you actually pay yourself, but how much did you value your time, let’s say for that those part time hours, it would be, you know, $5,000, you know, if you had to pay somebody, if you were able to genuinely bring home the amount of money you wanted to for that half time, it’d probably be $5,000. If you’re in the United States, if you’re in a developed nation, okay. If you’re in a developing nation, you know, probably $5,000, because when you’re full time, you want to be bringing home at least 10,000. Right. So, you know, you may not, but that’s your goal. That’s the first goal everybody chooses every everything. That sounds like a great, great first number. And it is there’s. They’re wrong with that. But let’s say you value your time at 5000 for part time. Work on your own business and you brought in two clients. Well, you know what? According to my math, that’s 20 $500 a client. There are so many numbers that go into this that most people don’t think of it as expensive to acquire a customer. That’s why you want to have resale and retargeting all these other things in place, because it’s easier to get one person to buy from you 100 times than 100 people to buy from you one time. But most people don’t see these things because they don’t understand their metrics. They look at their bank account and they think, there’s money there. I’m good. You can’t do bank, bank or bank balance accounting. When you own a business, there is a season for that weekend warrior. Totally doable. But you still you remember you’re going to your store, MacLaren says. You’re going to grow into this, not go into this in the management. You got to be budgeting. You got to be budgeting out and looking at that budget every single week that you don’t have to have a process for that. You’re going to have to have a system in place for this. You’re constantly going to be looking at collecting and managing money. Our fifth process let’s let’s let’s wrap up our five processes before I share with you this week’s leadership tip. Let’s look at the fifth one. So where are we? Well, we’ve got process one leadership process to lead generation. Process three, lead conversion process for collecting and managing money. Our fifth and final process, project management. You got to manage your project. You went out. You attracted somebody. Mike McCallum It’s Mike McCallum. It takes these last four lead gen lead conversion, collect and manage money and project management and he refers to it as is AC DC and I think AC DC is great. It’s, it’s totally missing the leadership component to it. But AC DC is acquire, convert, deliver, collect, acquire leads, convert them to customers, deliver what they buy, collect the money. Now I think that is an R and backwards order, but it makes a nice acronym. You got to acquire leads, convert them, collect the money, and then deliver what they sell. I don’t understand. I’ll be honest, people. I was on Facebook earlier this morning and I went to one of the Facebook groups and somebody was like, We got hired by somebody to do some custom website for them. And, you know, we only charged some it was some ridiculously low price, like for our $97. And and now that we’ve done all this work for them, they they’re they’ve backed out and they’re not paying. There are so many problems with that statement. One, you weren’t hired, okay? You weren’t hired because nobody gave you money. You weren’t hired. You were duped. You were convinced to do work for free. Like, that’s not that’s not getting hired to. You didn’t do a whole lot of work at $497. I mean, come on, let’s be. Let’s be real. You’re totally in charge. You attracted a cheap paying client, and now you’re surprised you’re getting a cheap result from them. You’re getting treated on the cheap, like giving, you know, so many things wrong with that. But the first one is you didn’t collect the money upfront. Now, does this mean you get to collect payment in full for everything now? Well, you know, we don’t we’ve got some projects that may be in the, you know, tens of thousands of dollars. Well, people don’t pay that up upfront, but they pay a significant at least a 50% deposit. But we offer a 5% paid in full discount. And we got a lot of people that take us up on that and we do get the money up front. So you got to have a process in place for collecting manage money. Then you have to deliver what the people buy. And that is our fifth and final process project management. If you’re doing the work, if you’re just starting out and you’re starting out as a web designer, a freelance copywriter, you know, funnel hacker, offering courses, a membership, digital marketing. Like what? There are so many, so many types of businesses that you can have and that are digital that gives you a location independence. But when you’re starting out and it’s and it’s just you and you’re in the weekend, we’re the all in you’re still managing those those projects. Now, eventually, over time, the complexity of this starts to move out because you start managing people that are delivering the thing you sold. And then eventually, hopefully you get to the point where you’re managing the people that are managing the people that are doing it. You are. You are leading leaders. You’ve made it to that C-suite. So then you can begin the transition to the legacy builder. So like I said, these two things that come, that get brought together form the digital nomad entrepreneur business engine. And what I often see in my coaching that I do with people one on one is and in the very first session or even so, so I do three month coaching sprints with people. And I also do just one on coaching roadmap. You can go to DKNY podcast dot com, click on the coaching tab and you’ll see how that goes. And you can, you can book a one hour coaching roadmap right then right there on the site. And what I do in all of these is very simple. But a lot of times people can’t see it and they need that little bit of help. The first thing we do is we we really, really quickly identify the stage of business you’re in. Then your desire or want or need to move to the next stage. And once we have that established, then we evaluate your five business processes and we find out what’s broken, what’s missing, or what’s broken, what’s weak, what’s missing. And then we prioritize, okay? This is this is the one you need to work on and you need to work on this. And it’s a roadmap. And some people take that after that hour and they run off and they execute and they deliver and they get results. And that’s really, really cool. Some people say, listen, this is I really need the accountability to keep this going and I want to make this happen. But I know women have a lot of questions. Can you help me do that? Well, then we move into a sprint and we say, okay, in the next three months, we’re going to meet. Once a week, we’re going to we’re going to for an hour, we’re going to see where you are. We’re going to set goals for the next week. I’m going to hold you accountable to these things. I’m going to give you guidance, advice. And if I have anything from our company that will help you, I’m just going to give it to you. You know, whatever it is I can do to help you and help you move forward in those three months. And then in between the weekly calls, we use an app called Marcopolo, and you can reach out with questions through Marco Polo. And so that’s that’s how coaching works. So I’d encourage you to have a coach, have a mentor, you know, have somebody that that’s helping you. All right. Before I get into this week’s leadership tip of the Week, I just want to say thank you for getting to this point of the episode. It means a lot to me that you’ve stuck through. I hope this was helpful. I hope you got some nuggets out of this. There was a lot in this one. I said at the very beginning, there’s going to be a crash course and and what’s going to be happening over the rest of the life of this podcast is we’re kind of constantly be talking about these things. I can imagine that. And probably 75% of episodes I’m going to mention the stages or the business processes because it’s just it’s just fun. It’s what runs a business. It what it’s what makes business work. And I want to inspire you that you can do this. And I want to equip you. All right? I want to equip you with tools and resources to do these things. And I want to empower you with information and knowledge to tend to to do it. And how this is going to happen is focusing on these right here, the stages of business, the processes that drive you through those stages, the digital nomad entrepreneur, business engine. So if you’ve made it to this point and this has been helpful, I have a favor to ask. I am asking humbly that you would leave a rating and review of the podcast, do all the things, rate the podcast, review the podcast, subscribe and share it. You’re you are my hope honestly that to get this out there to more people. So if you have found this helpful it would mean the world to me. I would be so grateful if you would. I’m literally begging you. Okay. I’ll be honest. I’ll be transparent. I’m literally begging you for a rating, a review, a subscribe, a share. All the nice things, even if you just do one of them. That would be great. Now, if you’ve got some constructive criticism, I’d love to hear that to send me an email. Eric at Danny podcast, I come, I’d be like, Dude, your podcast would be better if you would do this. Have you ever thought about doing this? Like, I would really, really appreciate that so, so much. All right. So what is this week’s leadership tip of the week? This week’s leadership. Tip is something that I was told that was told to me by an old time pastor. When I was transitioning, I used to run a summer camp and transition to local church ministry being a pastor. And I met with this man who had been a pastor for for many years. And we were talking leadership and leadership of a church and and things like that. And I was mentioning a couple other pastors that I married and was like, Man, I just I wish I knew what they know. And he smiled and he said, Well, that’s really simple, Eric. If you want to know what someone knows, read what they’ve read. And I was wowed by that. And so ever since then, anytime I meet with a leader that I admire, respect, I ask them every single time. What’s one of your favorite books? What’s one of the best books you about? What book has had the most impact in you and in your life? Went, Wow. What did you learn that somebody may share something about? Like, what did you learn that? And often times, God, you know, it’s it’s in a book I read in a book and I want to do that. And now in today’s digital world, maybe they didn’t read it, maybe they’ve listened to it, but they’ve they consumed content somehow. Now, some of the things they’ve learned from experiences, but those experiences were fueled by information they learned. And I want to know where that is, because if I can get my hands on it, my ears tuned to it, I want to. So if you want to know what someone knows, read what they’ve read. And I get asked this question a lot. So what I’ve done is I’ve worked and whittled down through all the books I’ve read and right below all of them I love to read. I believe leaders are content, content consumers. I used to say leaders are readers. But you can read now by listening to audiobooks or, you know, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos. There’s so many ways to to learn. So leaders are learners. Leaders are learners. But what I’ve done is on Disney podcast dot com on the resource page at the very top, if you just click resource, you scroll down. I’ve got resources there that I use to run my business for personal development. Some, you know, really great, you know, resources out there, communities, coaching systems that I’ve used that I strongly recommend. But I also have the list of books that if I was to hand something to my successor or let’s say I was ready to hand the business to one of my kids, I would hand them this stack of books and I would say, Read these first and then be ready to go. And I keep that list updated. If if a book that I read becomes so impactful, I go and I look at that list and I remove on that list doesn’t grow it stays at size. And you can, you know, so you can go and look and check out those books and then, you know, get them to read, get them to listen to whatever you might want. Well, thanks for making it to the end of my podcast. I look forward to reading your review and an upcoming podcast episode. And till next time, chase the big dream. Lead with courage and safe travels.